


  • 藝術行政人員見習計劃 (30個名額) [額滿]
  • 表演藝術及藝術製作人員見習計劃 (55個名額)



2023/24 Arts Talents Internship Matching Programme

To support the HKSAR government in implementing comprehensive measures to nurture arts talents, Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC) now launches the “Arts Talents Internship Matching Programme” and hereby invites local arts organisations and arts groups to provide internship opportunities of various art forms and positions, including arts administration, arts production and performing arts, to recent graduates of local and overseas tertiary institutes who aspire to start a career in the arts industry. Through on-the-job training, graduates can accumulate practical work experience, enhance their knowledge of the industry and build personal network, which are conducive to a long-term professional development in the industry. Meanwhile, the Programme helps identify and cultivate potential arts talents and thus fostering a sustainable development of the local art scene.

“Arts Talents Internship Matching Programme” consists of two parts:

  • Internship Scheme for Arts Administrator (30 Places) [All places have been filled]
  • Internship Scheme for Artistic and Production Personnel (55 Places)

The Programme matches eligible graduates with arts organisations through a continuous mechanism. Eligible arts organisations/groups can submit applications any time during the implementation of the Programme. HKADC will continue to match participating arts organisations/groups with graduate applicants until all places are filled. The internship period of the Programme is 18 months.

All internship openings have been published on this website since 10 July for recent graduates to apply. Graduates are required to indicate their preference for arts organisation(s), internship scheme and art forms in order on the application form. HKADC will match the graduate applicants with arts organisations/groups according to their preferences and will share their information to arts organisations/groups for screening and interview.