D-Generation Impact Career Programme 2024

Wish to upskill yourself and expand your horizon? “D-Generation Impact Career Programme” has designed the programme referring to OECD and Economic Forum’s framework of skills for your future.


Through a series of cross-sector co-learning, collaborations and community projects, we also help you to implement what you learn, equip yourself and get your resume shine! Students who completed the whole learning journey  will be eligible for a $1500 scholarship, let’s apply and prepare for your future!


Apply Now: https://www.d-generation.org/impact-career-programme/

想充實技能,擴闊視野?「D-Generation創效職涯計劃」參考了 OECD、世界經濟論壇的未來技能框架,設計出一系列的跨界共學、協作及社區實習,助你實踐所學,裝備自己,參與社會。


獲選同學將會有機會參與我們的技能培訓及社區夥伴的實踐項目,從項目中獲得工作經驗,最後我們更會助你撰寫個人履歷,落手建立個人品牌,為未來爭取更多工作機會!完成整個學習歷程的同學更可以獲得 $1500的獎學金,立刻報名。

