Administrative Service Winter Internship Programme 2024

(ASWIP 2024)

Details of the programme, selection criteria and application procedures are shown on the following webpages –

This Programme is a full-time work with an employment period of about 8 weeks from late November 2024 to late January 2025

(depending on office exigencies and individual participants’ availability, the actual employment period of individual cases may vary)

For those who wish to participate in the Winter Internship Programme, they are required to submit by mail to the Administrative Service Division of Civil Service Bureau at Room 918, 9/F, West Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong or the scanned version / soft copy of the following information together with a recent colour photo taken against a plain background (file format should be JPG, JEPG or PNG; minimum size of the photo should be 413 x 531 pixels) by email to (applicants must receive an automated email response to ensure that their email application has been successfully submitted) by 20 September 2024 (Friday) (Hong Kong Time) (postmark or email sent date will be taken) (late applications and applications submitted by fax will not be accepted):

  • a completed application form;
  • two essays (one in Chinese and one in English) of no more than 300 words each, with the Chinese essay on a personal experience on handling a disagreement or conflict, and the English essay on two policies that they recommend for inclusion in the 2024 Policy Address; and
  • two reference letters from the staff of the tertiary institution they are currently enrolled in.