Women Futuremakers Employment Programme 未來女性就業計劃

為大力支持及推動女性就業,聖雅各福群會與渣打銀行(香港)有限公司攜手推出「Women Futuremakers Employment Programme 未來女性就業計劃」,旨在幫助待業女青年提升就業技能,投身不同行業,包括可持續發展、STEM及藝術相關行業等。

To support young women’s employment, St. James’ Settlement (SJS) and Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited jointly introduced the “Women Futuremakers Employment Programme” in 2024. The programme aims at helping the young women to enhance their employability, and land a decent career in various fields such as sustainable, STEM, and art/ event-related jobs.

課程資料(最新) Course Overview (upcoming):
可持續發展 Sustainability
  • 日期(培訓)Date (Training): 11月 – 12月 November – December 2024
  • 費用 Fee: 全免 Free *
  • 計劃津貼 Program allowance: HK$6,000
  • 實習月份 Internship date: 1月 – 2月 January – February 2024
  • 查詢 Enquiry: 25962556/ WhatsApp 查詢: 91259752
  • 日期(培訓)Date (Training): 11月 – 12月 November – December 2024
  • 費用 Fee: 全免 Free *
  • 計劃津貼 Program allowance: HK$6,000
  • 實習月份 Internship date: 1月 – 2月 January – February 2024
  • 查詢 Enquiry: 25962556/ WhatsApp 查詢: 91259752
藝術及活動策劃 (已截止報名)
參加者資格 Requirement of applicants: 
📍16-35歲女性  Female between 16 and 35 years old 
📍具就業意向 Ready for employment
📍無相關經驗、來自任何學術背景都歡迎 You don’t need any relevant experience and welcome anyone from every educational background

*需付按金 Deposit is required: HK$1,000
**名額有限,參加者需要通過面試。Quota is limited. Intake interviews will be arranged.