Career Workshop - Knowing Artificial Intelligence for Career Planning


The relationship between the development of artificial intelligence and employment directions will become inseparable
This workshop will lead students to explore the basic concepts and history of artificial intelligence, and discuss how to face the ensuing job transformations, including challenges and opportunities in economic, cultural, and ethical dimensions. It will also cover  the changes in automation in related to job market, applications of AI in fields like media and arts, as well as ethical and philosophical issues such as machine ethics and decision transparency, guiding participants to contemplate and discuss the impact of AI on future society.

About the speaker:
Ansgar Yeung is the founder of the local artificial intelligence development company Cyber Beast. He graduated from the University of Sheffield Hallam in the UK and has been engaged in market training, AI training, applications, and SEO research for nearly a decade. In 2023, he received funding from the City University of Hong Kong’s Tech 300 Seed Fund and the Hong Kong Science Park’s Ideation Seed Fund, and he is currently expanding his AI services in various aspects.



: Ansgar Yeung 為本地人工智能發展公司 Cyber Beast 創辦人,畢業於英國雪菲爾哈倫大學,從事市場培訓、人工智能培訓、應用及SEO研發等工作近十年。2023年獲得香港城市大學Tech 300種子基金及香港科學園Ideation種子基金資助,現時繼續在人工智能服務多方面拓展中。

Date 日期: 24/10/2024 (Thurs/四)

Time 時間: 4:00-5:30pm

Venue 地點: Rm 105 Academic Building / 教學大樓 105 室
Important note: The workshop will be conducted primarily in Cantonese, with supplementary English*


**This activity will be recorded in participants’ Award and Co-curricular Achievement Transcript (ACAT).Participants can include this activity in their application for Dr. Li Dak Sum Outstanding Whole Person Development Awards.
