MTR - "EmpowerZ" Youth Placement Pilot Programme

MTR strives to create a diverse and inclusive workplace where everyone can thrive and excel.


The “EmpowerZ” Youth Placement Pilot Programme is specifically designed for individuals from ethnically diverse (i.e. non-Chinese) and/or have a disability (including special education needs). Through providing 1-year full-time work opportunity, the programme aims to enhance their professional competence and catalyze their career development.  


Successful applicants will gain solid work experience in one of the departments in MTR, develop essential skills, and build their confidence through a variety of workshops and activities.

Application Deadline

7 April 2025

Application Link

Linkedin Post  

Interview Period

April to May 2025

If any students would be interested in joining the programme, they may apply directly through the above application link by the deadline.

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service Job Openings

HKCSS is one of the supporting organisations and we would greatly appreciate if you could help disseminate information about this opportunity to your students and relevant groups within the university. Please find the information below and attached detailed job ad and promotional materials for your reference.




  • Individuals who identify as ethnic minorities (i.e. non-Chinese) in Hong Kong and/or have a disability (including special education needs) AND
  • holders of degree / associate degree or equivalent with not more than 2 years’ work experience

Employment Period:

August 2025 to August 2026

Job Categories:

Data Analytics, Information Technology, Accounting & Finance, Railway Operations & Customer Service, Administrative Support

Application methods:

Please submit application onto the system

Application deadline:

7 April 2025


After completion of the programme, candidates with satisfactory on-the-job performance may be considered for an on-going employment opportunity.


Additionally, MTR has commissioned the Department of Management and Marketing of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University to conduct a research project on Social Return on Investment to investigate the impact of the captioned programme on various stakeholders and provide valuable insights for community investment programmes.


Applicants for the Programme are cordially invited to take part in the Research and they can fill in the form, to determine their eligibility. Eligible individuals will be invited to participate in this research and HKD100 will be provided as a token of appreciation for each survey completed. Please note the participation in this research is optional and will not affect the selection process and outcome of the Programme.